We opened our Wednesday French class with the review of last week lesson and the correction of the homework. We, then studied Unité 6 Leçon 4 of  Alex et Zoé 3 Méthode p.27, followed by the exercises 4A, 4B, 4C of Alex et Zoé 3 Cahier d'Activités p.25.
The group also did a couple of grammar exercises on the different types of phrases :

- une phrase interrogative pour poser une question (?)
- une phrase négative pour dire le contraire (ne....pas, plus, rien...)
- une phrase exclamative pour exprimer la surprise (!)
Les autres phrase sont des phrases déclaratives, elles se terminent par un point.

We also did an  exercise - comprehension of a strory "Lecture, Evaluation",  read a story and then complete the blank, answer questions about the story.
To close the French class we worked on "Violette 2".

Homework for Wednesday, March 12 : read "Violette 3" just read the story, we'll do the comprehension questions next class, also look at the pictures on p. 28 and 29 of Alex et Zoé 3 Méthode , and write a short essay describing the scenes, use the vocabulary of "Unité 6"  and previous "Unités", (Colors, animals, activities,  food, the ocean , the river....... ) for example use the sentence "il y a....."

Agréable semaine  à tous,

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