Bonjour à tous,

Wednesday class started with the review of last week vocabulary, and the correction of the homework.
Then we studied Unité 5 "Dans la jungle"  of Alex et Zoé  Méthode Leçons 3,4 p. 22, 23 (listen, repeat, read, write).
The group also worked on several exercises: " Complète les légendes" complete the legends (vocabulary related to the body), "Idendification des mots" identify the word and write it down, "Observe la grille et complète" observe and complete the grid (vocabulary practice).
At the end of the class we played a game "Le jeu de l'oie des animaux".

Homework for Wednesday, February 21: do exercises 3A, 3B of Alex et Zoé Cahier p. 20.
Write a short essay (3 to 4 sentences) about a trip you took in the country or abroad, using verbs like ETRE, AVOIR, AIMER,....use lots of adjectives to describe your trip,  remember to place the adjective correctly with regard to the subject (use the link  "conjugaison" to conjugate your verbs)
Vicky, please choose an e-book for next week.

Je vous souhaite une très bonne semaine, à mercredi prochain.

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